Finding a Hebamme

One of the first questions I ask my clients is “Have you found a Hebamme for your pregnancy and Wochenbett?” As my work as a Doula does not take the place of a midwife’s, it is essential you find one as soon as you find out your pregnant. Sometimes, unfortunately, it is a struggle. And that’s not only because you’re new to the city, or speak a different language. All women have to send out a few (or a dozen) emails until they find one with availability.

So how do you begin finding a midwife? Of course you can begin searching for a Hebamme in your area, calling or emailing them if they’re free. Try searching Hebamme (midwife), Wochenbettbetreuung (postpartum support), or Schwangerschaftsvorsorge (pregnancy support), depending on what your looking for. If this does not work for you, there are different things you can do.

  1. Check nearby hospitals, gynaecologists, midwife and birth centers to see if they offer a list of midwives who offer support in the area. Sometimes their availability is listed directly online. Here are a few links:

  2. Use the Hebammensuche from the German National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (only in German) to search your area. Perhaps you’ll need to ask for a german speaking partner, friend or coworker to assist. Hebammenliste GKV Spitzenverband

  3. You can search for and book a midwife directly at This website search engine was developed by the German Midwifery Association and Keleya Digital-Health Solutions GmbH.

  4. If you’re located in Cologne, there is the Hebammennetzwerk Köln, whom you can contact to find you an available midwife. This is a sort of last resort, as they simply give you the phone number of a midwife who still has availability around your due date. Hebammennetzwerk Köln

What if you cannot find a Hebamme, no matter how hard you look and how much time you spend searching?

Throughout the city of Cologne, there are many points of support if you do not have a Hebamme to visit your home during your postpartum period:

Hebammenambulanz am Severinsklösterchen

Hebammenambulanz Hohenlind

Still have questions? Feel free to get in touch, I’d love to support you!


Checklist for Expecting Parents