Birth Doula Services

Birth & Labor Support

Having a Doula with you during birth (in addition to your partner) is proven to be a natural way to ease pain, discomfort and fears during labor. I work together with your midwife and partner to ensure you have the most pleasant and empowered birth experience possible.

What I offer:

-staying with you for the entire duration of your labor

-providing emotional support, helping ease physical discomfort and providing an objective perspective

-helping you and your partner make informed decisions during birth

-facilitating communication between you, your partner and hospital workers, assisting with translation/clarification if needed

-serving as a nurturing presence, protecting your desires for your birth experience

-supporting and encouraging your partner, making sure they are also comfortable

-providing photos and a written birth story, if desired

Birth & labor support includes two prenatal meetings to plan and prepare for your birth, 24 hour on call availability beginning 14 days before your due date until the birth of your baby, and two postpartum meetings in your postpartum period.

Total cost: 1400€